Welcome to the troubleshooting wiki page. We hope you'll find your problem here. Ideally, solution as well.
Determining version information, dealing with "unknown procedure"
Failed to connect to the hypervisor
The domain cannot be started when specifying different processor
Domain starting fails with Error "monitor socket did not show up"
Error "internal error cannot find character device" when trying to connect a domain's console
Virtual network 'default' has not been started
PXE boot (or dhcp) on guest failed
Guest can reach host, but can't reach outside network
Guest can reach outside network, but can't reach host (macvtap)
Guest can reach , but can't reach outside network (macvtap)
Could not add rule to fixup DHCP response checksums on network 'default'
Unable to add bridge br0 port vnet0: No such device
Migration fails with "Unable to resolve address" error
Migration fails because disk image cannot be found
Libvirt daemon is not listening on tcp ports although configured to
Libvirt identifies host processor as a different model from the hardware documentation
I created an external snapshot, but libvirt will not let me delete or revert to it